The Rest of the Story According to Boyle

Everett Boyle
Regular price $21.75
The story broke in Maclean's sexual harassment and abuse of subordinates by officers of the Canadian Armed Forces. Everett Boyle featured prominently on the side...
The story broke in Maclean's sexual harassment and abuse of subordinates by officers of the Canadian Armed Forces. Everett Boyle featured prominently on the side of the angels. His battle against this insidious corruption blighted the last years of his successful military career. According to Boyle, who retired a chief warrant officer, these revelations are just the tip of the iceberg, and nothing has changed. In his view, the entire officer corps is infected with a malaise, a moral impairment that is destroying morale and undermining our armed forces' potential effectiveness in the field. Boyle's is a passionate and convincing argument for a return to traditional military values and discipline. This is the rest of the story. "When an officer accepts the responsibility of Command, as far as women and sex goes, the only drawers available to him inside that Command, are in his desk and he better remember that." Everett Boyle

** This book has been signed by the author with name dedication **

General Store Publishing House
‎ 1894263499
Publication Date
January 1, 2002
No. of Pages
L 22.9cm x W 15.1cm x H 2.5cm